You’ll Need a Better Flashlight for This ‘Alone in the Dark: Illumination’ Teaser

Alone in the Dark: Illumination
Alone in the Dark: Illumination

When Atari announced their plans to bring back one of the grandaddies of the survival horror genre with a brand new game titled Alone in the Dark: Illumination, my reaction was a mixture of surprise and cautious optimism. The last game was admirable in its ambition, but it’s also one of my least favorite gaming experiences of the last decade. With Illumination, Atari is trying to breathe new life into a series many gamers are familiar with, whether or not they’ve actually played them.
I hope ALone in the Dark: Illumination is fantastic, but we still have too little to go on for me to be able to really form an opinion. The good news is we have our first trailer for the game, and it’s sufficiently creepy.

This Alone in the Dark will serve as a reimagining of the original game, which released in 1992. Light will play a pivotal role in the gameplay, too. The game will feature a cooperative multiplayer mode where players can choose from several different classes — Hunter, Witch, Engineer and Priest — each bringing with it a unique set of skills and equipment that will be necessary to cleansing a town of its monster infestation.

At first, the co-op bit surprised me, but it makes some sense seeing as the studio behind it, a new startup called Pure FPS, was formed from developers who worked on the Dead Island series, among other games.